ChocolaTeaTM Product Training Program
Program Details
- Available virtual or onsite (if within 200-mile driving radius of Global Teas) at a cost of $600.
- Includes 5 hours onsite training includes training employees, serving customers and actively engaging customers with free promotional ChocolaTeaTM or product education to promote future purchases.
- Full evaluation of in-store layout and provide recommendation(s) for placement of menu signs, corporate sign and any potential optional signs to optimize product awareness and generate revenues.
- Full evaluation of current café menu and provide recommendation for placement of product offerings and suggested entree uses (if applicable) to optimize product awareness and maximize revenues.
- Free ChocolaTeaTM for first 60 customers during training period only:
- We bring 1 lb. each of 1) ChocolaTeaTM Original Cacao, 2) ChocolaTeaTM Double Dark Chocolate Dream, 3) ChocolaTeaTM Dark Chocolate Fresh Mint and 4) Original Superfood Creamer.
- We recommend you promote the ChocolaTeaTM product launch date for your store at least 2-3 weeks in advance and include the free ChocolaTeaTM to the first 60 customers, through all of your available advertising methods (i.e. store front window and counter top signs, give-away reminder cards, Facebook, website, etc.) to maximize traffic flow and begin generating consistent revenues immediately.